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Abby Wynne Book of Healing Affirmations

The Book of Healing Affirmations

Use your Natural Resources to get well and stay well, for life.

The Book of Healing Affirmations

Words to Improve your Life, One Day at a Time

This book can be a lovely companion to your healing process, if you go lightly with it, or it can be a powerful helper and guide, if you want to go deep.

This book is divided into 14 topics each containing affirmations for different needs such as emotional release, abundance, gratitude, acceptance, manifestation, relationships and personal growth.

With guidance on how to cultivate a daily affirmation practice, The Book of Healing Affirmations invites you to re-invest in yourself and start a daily practice that empowers you to become the master of your thoughts and emotions, instead of allowing them to be the master of you.

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Learn how to use Affirmations as Medicine with this free workshop

I am so grateful to be lead to your work Abby, and to experience your books and online offerings. I am kind of lost for words at just how powerful this work is. Thank you millions for your healing and for empowering others to do so.

For additional Support during your healing journey

As a Flower or Tree member of my healing circle you get access to all the Online Group Healing Sessions for free. Tree Members get access to the back catalogue, AND they also get to be part of my exclusive Tree of Life, Life Mastery Sessions.

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